Duaas for Breaking Fast?

Duaas for Breaking the Fast
Source: (via Salaf us Saalih.com)

Is there any supplication reported from the Prophet sallAllaahu �alayhi wa sallam and the Companions, may Allaah be pleased with them, at the time of breaking the fast? Should the fasting person repeat what the Mu�aththin says, or continue breaking his fast?
The supplication at the time of fasting is most likely to be answered, because it is at the end of an act of worship, and in most cases, a human self is at its weakest point just before he breaks his fast. The weaker a person is physically, and the more tender-hearted, the greater is his feeling of repentance and humility towards Allaah, the Almighty, the All-Powerful.
The supplication which is reported from the Prophet sallAllaahu �alayhi wa sallam is:
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(Allaahumma Laka Sumtu Wa �Ala Rizqika Aftartu.)
�Oh, Allaah! For Your sake I have fasted and with Your sustenance I have broken my fast.�[1]
When he broke his fast, the Prophet sallAllaahu �alayhi wa sallam also said:
??? ??????? ?????? ????? ? ??? ????? ?? ??? ????
(Thahabath-Thana�u Wabtallatil-�Urooqu Wa Thabatal-Ajru In Sha� Allaah.)
�Thirst has gone, the arteries are moist, and the reward is sure, if Allaah wills.�[2]
Although there may be some weakness in these two Ahadith, some of the Scholars have declared them to be Hasan; and in any case, if you supplicated using these words or any others words that came to your heart when breaking your fast, then it is most likely to be answered.
As for answering the Mu�aththin when a person is breaking his fast, it is lawful, because of the saying of the Prophet sallAllaahu �alayhi wa sallam:
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�If you hear the Mu�aththin, then say what he says.� [3]
applies to all situations, except those which there is some evidence to show otherwise.

Shaykh Muhammad bin Saalih al-`Uthaymeen
Fatawa Arkaanul-Islaam, DARUSSALAM, Vol.2, p.670


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