Sit and Read These Beneficial Works With Your Family This Ramadan

If you are looking for something to share with your family during Ramadan, here are a few great resources that you can sit down and read together as a family, in shaa Allah.

Sittings in the Blessed Month of Ramadan 

(Sheikh Muhammed Bin Salih Al Uthaimeen), is a set of 30 duroos (lessons).

  • Download  (searchable PDF. This is an abridged form. It does contain 30 duroos but they are shortened in this 87 page pdf). We read from this copy last Ramadan.  
  • If you would like to purchase a  hard copy of the full book (282 pages) you can do so via Amazon (affiliate link) and another physical copy is available at Authentic Statements (328 pages) and also at

30 Lessons in Fasting � Shaykh Saalih Fawzaan

  • Download page (Masjid Tawheed wa Sunnah) . Separate PDF Files (lesson 27 is missing)

Fasting from Alif to Yaa: A Day by Day Guide to Making the Most of Ramadhaan

This is a wonderful book for adults and to share with the kids during Ramadan. There are lessons on a Ramadan/Islamic topic that starts with each of the letters of the Arabic alphabet. In addition, there is a Family Time section that shares a story or lesson and then gives ideas for kids' activities and on some days, there is a recipe idea to go along with the topic that was studied. I am taking sister Umm Mujaahid's Making the Most of Ramadhan class and she is using this book (she is the author as well). I share the lessons with my older children  later in the day. 
You can purchase it from Amazon (affiliate link). 

If you want to join the class (sisters only) for free, you can stop by here, in shaa Allah.


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