Making the Most Out of Ramadan - Fasting from Alif to Yaa

A wonderful class is now in session (as of 7/23/12--day 4)


"Taalib Al-Ilm Publications is pleased to announce the beginning of the "Making the Most of  Ramadhaan" program for sisters. It includes daily lectures and reminders as well as Qur'aan recitation classes throughout Ramadhaan. It is especially designed to help you make the most of your Ramadhaan.
The program consists of 2 classes everyday during Ramadhaan, starting with the Fasting from Alif to Yaa classes taught by Umm Mujaahid Khadijah Bint Lacina Al-Amreekiyyah and then Qur'aan Recitation Classes taught by Umm Usaamah Sukhailah Bint Khalil.
To learn how to join our WiZiQ classes, click here."

Class details: Making the Most Out of Ramadan - Fasting from Alif to Yaa


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