Zakaat Issue2: Types Of Goods You Should Give Zakaat On

Goods on Which Zakaah is Binding

Zakaat is binding on gold, which reaches 87 grams (7.5 tolas) at the rate of 2.5% either in gold itself or its value.

Previously, in the time of Allah�s Messenger (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam) people used gold coins as Deenar and silver coins as Dirham. One Deenar weighed 87 grams (7.5 tolas).

Ibn Umar and Aa�ishah (radhi allahu anhum) both transmitted that the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam) used to take Zakaat at the rate of half Deenar on 20 Deenar or more and one Deenar on forty Deenars, i.e. 2.5% or the fortieth part. [(saheeh)

Authenticated by Shaikh al-Albanee in Saheeh Sunan Ibn Majah lil Albanee (vol: 1, no: 1448)]

= Zakaat is binding on silver when the quantity of silver reaches 612 grams (52.5 tolas) at the rate of 2.5% in silver itself or its value.

Ali (radhi allahu anhu) said: �You will have to pay a fortieth part of silver as Zakaat, i.e. the rate of one Dirham on every forty Dirhams (2.5%).� [(saheeh) Authenticated by Shaikh al-Albanee in Saheeh Sunan Abu Dawood Lil al-Albanee (vol: 1, no: 1390)]

= Zakaat is binding on ornaments made of gold and silver:
Amr bin Shoaib (radhi allahu anhu) records from his father and grandfather that once a woman

came to the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam) along with her daughter, who

was wearing two gold bracelet. She was asked whether Zakaat was being paid on the bracelets,

and she replied in the negative. The Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam) said:

�Will you chose to wear two bracelets of Fire on the Day of Judgement?� The woman
immediately discarded the gold bracelets and gave it in alms. [(hasan) by Shaikh al-Albanee
in Saheeh Sunan Abu Dawood lil al-Albanee (vol: 1, no: 1382)]

This is the view of Imaam Abu Hanifa, but majority of the scholars do not agree with him. The difference is merely on the jewellery of general use, since all items of general use are exempted from Zakaat. However, all the scholars agree that Zakaat is obligatory on those ornaments purchased with the intention of investments.

NOTE: It is incorrect to combine the quantity of gold with the quantity of silver and value them for Zakaat.

Money: Currency is interchangeable with gold and silver. To find out the changeability of Zakaat on money, the amount should be compared with the price of 87 grams of gold or 612 grams of silver (whichever is lower) and if the conditions of Zakaat are liable then 2.5% of the money has to be given as Zakaat.


Zakaat on the Stock in trade:

Amr bin Hamas from his father, narrates that he used to sell plain leather and quiver, (case for arrows). Umar (radhi allahu anhu) happened to pass by and remarked that Zakaat was required to be paid. [Musnad Ahmad, al-Bayhaqee, Daraqutni (vol: 2, p: 215) and others]

Zakaat has to be calculated with reference to the trading stock together with the profit at the end of the year. It should be calculated as explained earlier in the case of money. The value of the goods at the close of the year is to calculated, whether it exceeds 87 grams of gold or 612 grams of silver. Goods like buildings, furniture or transport means used in trading are excluded in calculating Zakaat.

Goods Exempted from the obligation of Zakaat.

Articles of personal Use: Items of personal use like residential houses, plots of land for house construction, cars, furniture, fridge, personal weapons or animals are exempted from Zakaat, regardless of their value. Abu Hurayrah (radhi allahu anhu) relates that the

Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam) states:

�There is no Zakaat in respect of houses and the slaves.� [Saheeh al-Bukharee (vol: 2, no: 542)]

Animals meant for agriculture:

Abu Hurayrah (radhi allahu anhu) narrates in a lengthy hadeeth that no Zakaat is payable in respect of animals which are put to some use or other. [(saheeh) - Saheeh Ibn Khuzaymah lil Daktoor Mustafa al-Azmi (vol: 4, no: 292)]


Ali (radhi allahu anhu) relates that the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam)

said: �There is no Zakaat on (a) Vegetables, (b) Aariyat trees , (c) Grains less than 5 wasaq (725 kg), (d) Animals kept for personal us and (e) Jabah.� [Daraqutni (vol: 2, p: 95)]

Aariyat trees are such fruit-bearing trees which a rich man may temporarily give at the disposal of a poor man to obtain benefit from. Jabah refers to a horse or even a donkey GOLD and SILVER

Conditions for the payment of Zakaat

Every Muslim man or woman, major or minor *, sane or insane * who is a free citizen and holds total wealth exceeding the prescribed minimum limit for one full year is obliged to pay Zakaat from his lawful earnings.

Saheb al-Nisaab: (complete possession of the wealth): Saheb al-Nisaab means that complete wealth should be held by one particular person. The wealth should be free from the rights of other people and the owner enjoys full right to dispose and use his wealth as he wills, since Allah says: �Take from their wealth a Sadaqah �� [(9): 103]

Completion of One full year: Abdullah Ibn Umar (radhi allahu anhu) explains that Zakaat is payable on property (in nature of wealth) which has remained in the hands of the person for one full year from the time it was acquired by him.� [(saheeh) Authenticated by Shaikh al-Albanee in Sunan at-Tirmidhee (vol: 2, no: 515)]

Allah is only pleased with the Zakaat which is paid from lawful earnings:

Usama bin Umar (radhi allahu anhu) transmits from his father who said:

�I heard the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam) saying: �Prayers without cleanliness are not accepted by Allah, similarly any charity from ill-gotten wealth is not accepted.� [(saheeh) - Authenticated by Shaikh al-Albanee Saheeh Sunan an-Nisa'ee (vol: 2, no: 2364)]

* The Zakaat on behalf of minor or insane will be paid out of his wealth by the guardian.


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