Ramadan Activity & Coloring Pages

Coloring Books
TJ Ramadan Coloring Book 11 pages

Ramadan Coloring Book  - originally posted from Salafi Sisters

Ramadan Coloring Book

Welcome Ramadan Coloring Books - Diary of a Muslim Homeschool has two printable Ramadan coloring books from 2012.

Coloring & Activity Pages

A Day of Fasting - draw about a day of fasting

Command to Fast Coloring Page A-  friend of mine cut it apart and used in a lapbook:
Command to Fast Ramadan Coloring Pagecommand-to-fast

Crescent Moon Coloring Page (off site at lilfingers.com) - great for preschoolers

Crescent Moon and Clouds Coloring Page (offsite)

Duaa for Host Coloring Page

Duaa for Host # 2

Fast of a Traveler Coloring Page (part of the 30 day It's Ramadan! Curriculum)

Iftaar Draw and Trace

Layl (Night) Scene

Masjid Coloring Page from TheColor.com (online coloring)

Masjid Coloring Page 2 - Supercolor.com

Masjid Coloring Page 3 - Freecoloringsheets.net

Masjid coloring page from EduPics

Ramadan Activity Packs from Umm Maimoonah Records. There are two packs and a teaching resource pack. You do not want to miss this cute resource! There are now 2 packs and there are parent/teaching notes.

Taraweeh Prayer Rugs - design and color

Toys Activity Page - The Companions used to give the children toys to play with to keep them occupied during the fasting day. This activity is about toys in general.

Ramadan Activity  Book from A Muslim Child is Born - You don't want to miss this, great for the little kids;  75 pages.

Online Ramadan Coloring Pages at TheColor.com
Themes: boy eating date, family, friendship, mosque, praying, reading Quraan (they do contain faces)

Do contain faces and one is the crescent and star which I have read should not be used as a symbol of Islam due to it's pagan origins, but it does have some nice masjid pics and the people can be defaced in Paint or similar program, in sha Allah.


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