Ramadan Calendars

Ramadan Moon Facts Calendar

Ramadan Moon CalendarRamadan Moon Calendar

This wonderful Moon facts calendar comes from the creative talents of my bud, Umm Abdul Basir's Creative Corner via our collaborative Islamic Bulletin Boards blog:

All are B & W so you can have the kids color them in as shown below as she had her kids do in the picture below.

Ramadan Fasting Calendar
Several years ago, my good friend, Umm Abdul Basir made this cute Ramadan calendar. It comes in black and white or color and in English or Arabic versions.

Ramadan Kids' Calendar
It's great for hanging up on a Ramadan bulletin board, or each child can keep it in a Ramadan journal.
What's also great about it, is that there are some Ramadan "stickers" that kids can cut out and glue onto the calendar to show which days they fasted:

You can download this wonderful calendar from her blog: UmmAbdul'sCreativeCorner

Original post: 7/28/11


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