32 Things You Can Put in a Ramadan Journal

If you've gotten a chance to browse TJ Ramadan, you may have seen my Ramadan Journal templates with activities and prompts to get kids engaged. These are especially helpful for kids for whom starting fresh with a blank page is stressful.

But if you've got kids who like to do their own thing,  you can simply have them create their own, personalized journal by making their own cover (Let them make it on cardstock for a sturdier book) and adding blank paper inside and turn them loose.

My oldest daughter made a few Ramadan journals of her own over the years.

If you want to give free style journals a chance this year, here are 32 ideas to get those creative juices flowing:

  1. Introductory page/note to yourself about how many years you have fasted, what you hope this Ramadan will be like, what you want to accomplish or do, special plans you may have
  2. Table of contents
  3. Fasting tracker (record the days you fasted and days you missed)
  4. Quraan reading tracker
  5. Laylatul Qadr/TaraweehTracker
  6. 5 daily prayers tracker
  7. Ramadan goals
  8. Ramadan calendar
  9. Moon observation tracker/journal
  10. Dear Diary/Journal style dated entries
  11. List of good deeds you can do
  12. List of things that break the fast
  13. List of merits of fasting
  14. Coloring pages/artwork
  15. Recipes of things you made during Ramadan or would like to make
  16. Pictures of crafts you have made during Ramadan
  17. Ramadan artwork that you have created
  18. Ramadan ahadith and duaas(copywork or graphics)
  19. Things you ate for suhoor/iftaar(list or drawing)
  20. List of things you did during the day (list or drawing)
  21. List of good deeds you did during the day (list or drawing)
  22. Write down special memories
  23. Write down medical problems you had during the day
  24. Track how much water you drank between maghrib and fajr
  25. Notes or notebooking pages on specific Ramadan topics
  26. Pictures of Ramadan lapbook that you may have made
  27. Times you woke up and went to sleep each day
  28. Thoughts on how your fasting day went/what you need to work on
  29. Ramadan daily planner pages
  30. Notes from Ramadan lectures/classes
  31. Duaas you want to make
  32. Responses to Ramadan Writing Prompts

Do you have other ideas for a Ramadan journal?
Please share in the comments section!


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