A Juz a Day Reading

Many people read/recite a juz of the Quraan each day during Ramadan.

Here is a breakdown of the juz from Islam.about.com.
  • Juz� 1 � Al Fatiha 1 � Al Baqarah 141
  • Juz� 2 � Al Baqarah 142 � Al Baqarah 252
  • Juz� 3 � Al Baqarah 253 � Al Imran 92
  • Juz� 4 � Al Imran 93 � An Nisaa 23
  • Juz� 5 � An Nisaa 24 � An Nisaa 147
  • Juz� 6 � An Nisaa 148 � Al Ma�idah 81
  • Juz� 7 � Al Ma�idah 82 � Al An�am 110
  • Juz� 8 � Al An�am 111 � Al A�raf 87
  • Juz� 9 � Al A�raf 88 � Al Anfal 40
  • Juz� 10 � Al Anfal 41 � At Tauba 92
  • Juz� 11 � At Tauba 93 � Hud 5
  • Juz� 12 � Hud 6 � Yusuf 52
  • Juz� 13 � Yusuf 53 � Ibrahim 52
  • Juz� 14 � Al Hijr 1 � An Nahl 128
  • Juz� 15 � Al Isra (or Bani Isra�il) 1 � Al Kahf 74
  • Juz� 16 � Al Kahf 75 � Ta Ha 135
  • Juz� 17 � Al Anbiyaa 1 � Al Hajj 78
  • Juz� 18 � Al Muminum 1 � Al Furqan 20
  • Juz� 19 � Al Furqan 21 � An Naml 55
  • Juz� 20 � An Naml 56 � Al Ankabut 45
  • Juz� 21 � Al Ankabut 46 � Al Azhab 30
  • Juz� 22 � Al Azhab 31 � Ya Sin 27
  • Juz� 23 � Ya Sin 28 � Az Zumar 31
  • Juz� 24 � Az Zumar 32 � Fussilat 46
  • Juz� 25 � Fussilat 47 � Al Jathiya 37
  • Juz� 26 � Al Ahqaf 1 � Az Zariyat 30
  • Juz� 27 � Az Zariyat 31 � Al Hadid 29
  • Juz� 28 � Al Mujadila 1 � At Tahrim 12
  • Juz� 29 � Al Mulk 1 � Al Mursalat 50
  • Juz� 30 � An Nabaa 1 � An Nas 6

For kids, you might want to make a chart or other creative method to track daily quraan reading, such as making little blank book outlines with each juz number written on them and kids color them in or hang them up when a juz has been read.

You might also want to schedule a regular time each day for every one to sit in the same room and recite quraan individually or take turns.

 Though you may  not read/recite at the same pace as during Ramadan, don't leave off Quraan reading/recitation once Ramadan is over!


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