Ramadan Family Meeting Agendas

Alhamdulillah, we finally got around to having our first Ramadan family daytime meeting. My plan is to hold them each day, but stuff often gets in the way, so I just try to have them as much as I can.  In addition, evening meetings can be very helpful.

Here are two agenda forms you can use (or use for inspiration) for your own meetings.  The meetings can help get your day off to a great start (or in our case, afternoons because that is usually when everyone is lucid as a collective group) and then at the end of the day to wind down.

Ramadan Family Meeting Agendas (PDF, both morning and evening are in one download)

In them, I have included discussion ideas, these are merely a guide in case you find yourself like me, at times, drawing a blank. In the blank spaces, you can jot down additional items you want to cover, in shaa Allah.

You can borrow from traditional secular family meetings and let a different person lead the meeting each night (kids included) as well as let them add items for discussion to the agenda by hanging it in a public place, such as the fridge) or bulletin/cork board.


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