Kid's Ramadan Organizer Ideas

After we put together our Ramadan journals for this year, and as I was giving my kids their fasting trackers and other Ramadan papers, I realized that it would be handy to have everything in one convenient spot, so I decided to combine the papers and their journal into one book.

I made a list of things to include. Most of the items in the list are currently available here at TJ Ramadan and the rest I am making up and a few may be available in some shape or form here at TJ Ramadan and I am reworking to make them fit in nicely with the organizer, in sha Allah.

Kids� Ramadan Organizer and Journal Ideas

� Islamic calendar reference sheet (can be found in adult's organizer, in sha Allah)

� Moon phase reference chart(can be found in adult's organizer, in sha Allah)
� Ramadan calendar

� Duaas (breaking fast, upon seeing crescent moon, laylatul qadr) (can be found in adult's organizer, in sha Allah) there are some nice ones at : (but they are a little too color intensive for me to print)
� Things that break the fast (can be found in adult's organizer, in sha Allah)

� Ayaat/Surah text to be memorized

in sha Allah, I'll have all these items available soon in  one PDF for download once we compile our organizers.


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